Thursday, October 23, 2008

Way Overdue, but HI!

In the words of Barney Stintson ...what up!

I know, I know, I haven't written in what seems like a bagillion years...kinda like that Gossip Girl episode during fashion week (aka longest episode ever, even though it was only an hour!)

Anywhoo - here are my thoughts on some of this weeks television, seeing as the week isn't completely over and Thursday is kind of a big deal. I couldn't wait to write though, so deal with it! (sorry for the tude ps).

To start off, words cannot describe how much I L O V E Girls, Guys, and Gossip Girl minus that one mess of an episode. But this week definitely made up for that stinky face fashion week poop. The reason that I absolutely adored this episode was probably because of the 45 seconds of Dan and Sarena bliss. I just don't understand why they can't be together forever?! The whole money issue is just crap! Dan knew all along what she was like and still wanted to date her, so alls I'm saying is GET OVER IT! Ugh. Everything else in the episode was pretty good too. Blair looked pretty, it was semi- cruel intentions, and loves that Nate and Dan are friends (that's a pretty "bromance.") This won't make Chucky poo very pleased. Speaking of Charles Bass, his outfit definitely need some more color, but that's my only criticism.

Onto heroes. It makes me feel funny that all the good guys are raging idiot villains. Dr. Suresh...why?!? He's all gross and sticky and evil and I don't like it!He also looks like he could use a shower and some anger management. And as for Peter - no more powers... he's still pretty hot so he's got that. I wonder if he'll be able to get that shiz back. Lets see if I get a few more answers or a lot more confused this coming season. Because I'm REALLY confused. Speaking of confusion...I wish Lost was on.

Now it's time for a little How I Met your Mother. Man, why am I strangely attracted to Barney?! I never was before this show...maybe it's the suits...I dunno. Anyways, I totally saw that Stella thing coming - she needed to get back to Scrubs and it was a little too fast for ted to up and marry her so soon! My favorite part though - the spin doctors lead singer as the juice bar guy. I kinda wish he did a little 3 princes and all - but whatevs!

Annndd finally - Pushing Daisies. I don't have too many criticisms for this show. It's so quirky and cute. Man I wish I could eat at the pie hole. I'd have apple, peach, some sort of cobbler and maybe I'd even try some meat pie...k I'm back. Today they solved the frescort mystery. I would definitely be into finding a frescort - someone to just hug every day! I love hugs sooo much! K I don't have too many thoughts about the episode except that I wish that Ned and Chuck could touch without her dying - that's all!

As for a new show - I didn't try a new one this week, but I did start Twilight and it's friggin amazing! I mean there are parts of it that annoy me, such as the repeating of the word "Chagrin," as well as Edwards switch from frightening to to gentle in seconds. I understand he's a vampire, but he's soo moody! It's like walking on Eggshells, or hanging with someone who's Bi-polar!

Still, their love is awesome and I can't wait to read the next book! It's an easy effing read so I definitely recommend it to anyone!

K that's all for now.

Loves you, mean it!

And, I'm outie!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cause I'm Keepin it Real, I'm keepin it real

HI.  Yes, I admit it.  It's been a while since my last post.  I'm human and I forget things.  Well, actually, it's really just apart of my nature, but I'm working on it.  

Anywho- the TV season came back and went and I never really commented on what I loved about the season finales.  I will briefly go over what I remember...

N really T-Oed watching the season finale of Gossip Girl. Dan and Serena breaking up = not so cool.  I know, drama's are known for breaking people up and getting them back together.  But as Serena said, they are forever! Dammit! Now Serena's with Nate in the Hamptons- NO!!!!! And onto Georgina: she broke down a little too easy.  She's supposed to be pure evil in an upper east side girl's body.  One look at Mom and Dad and she's crapping her self.  And dan saying that he might as well have slept with her? Ew. No. And I'm done. 

Movin' on to LOST
Brilliant episode. I hope Gin's not actually dead.  He might be alive and on the Island! Wherever it may be.  Also, great ending.  I wonder why Locke ever left the Island in the first place.  What was it like over there without the superhero Jack to save everyone? Also, why did the Island want Jack to leave? Gosh I don't get anything about the show but I love it so!

Well I don't want to make this entry too long.  These are the only two season finales I really truly care about now.  I will make a few show recommendations as I have started a few since I last wrote: How I Met Your Mother is so hillarious.  For some reason I find Neil Patrick Harris strangely attractive- maybe it's the suits, I don't know.  Next, My Boys.  I like the little boys club they have- it makes me want to have one too.  I don't really know what it's like to have more than 2 straight guy friends.  Seems nice.  Lastly, Freaks and Geeks.  I didn't get to finish it- but it has some sort of My So Called Life kind of feel in my eyes.  I guess it may be the whole idea of highschool and trying to find who you are in a weird little way.  

Well anyway, that's all for now.  Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.  


PS Stay tuned for my thoughts on Weeds, Dexter and some other summer shows!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hey there, hi there, ho there

Soo the past few weeks on television were interesting. Things are finally starting to get back to normal around here. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love watching re-runs of scrubs and my reality Wednesdays, but I was in DIRE need of some good ole fashioned new FAKE drama!!

OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH- Gossip Girl premiered this week and man on man do I have things to say. A. Jenny really sucks. B. I love Dan. C. I love Dan. Anyway, that Jenny needs to accept her roots and just GET OVER IT! We need to focus more on Dan and Serena. I'm afraid this Michelle Trachtenberg is going to ruin things for them, and I don't think I'm okay with that shitake. I didn't like her in Buffy and I may not like her here. C'mon Harriet the Spy, don't ruin my favourite relationship on TV right now, quit it!

Moooovin on. Soo, basically, Samantha Who? Is my new Fav, the cheese to my macaroni as Juno would say. Can Tod and Samantha get back together already? That crazy girlfriend from Wicker Park is not even a cool psycho. She's all plane Jane and NEEDS to GO. I was pretty excited that Timothy Olyphant (sp*) was on, but the whole neo-nazi hairdo wasn't cutting it for me, but then again, neither were the frosted tips he had in Go, so I guess he never really had the right DO if you will. This week was sort of uneventful for Todd and Sam (minus the kiss at the end, but that didn't do anything for me either). The show needs to be an hour, that's the only answer to an uneventful episode.

Reality- I don't really care to talk about this this week- except for the fact that Stacy Ann is, in the words of *N Sync, GONE, gone gone. That voice KILLED me, so I'm pretty much thrilled never to hear that EVER again.

That's all for now, but I will return with my thoughts after this BIG THURSDAY!!! UGLY BETTY, GREYS, LOST, SCRUBS- AHHH!!!!!!!!


You know you love me (no? doesn't work for me, FINE! I guess I'm no Kristen Bell! )

Friday, April 4, 2008

My First Entry!

Hello friends! It's your very own cable gal pal here ready to talk TELEVISION!

So. There isn't too much new new new television this week, but not to fret, the shows, they will be a returnin'! Oh Gossip Girl, come back to me already!!!

Alright, now that I got that out of my system, I can talk about what I actually saw this week, starting with Wednesday night TV night with my ever so lovely roommate and gays, also known as my favorite night of the week. It's basically a night filled with REALITY.

First off, we have America's Next Top Model. And to answer Tyra's question, yes I do want to be on top. Anyhooo, they started off the episode with Go-Sees! Isn't that supposed to happen in some other country or something? Or are they getting really budget this year and just not taking them anywhere? I mean they are making a bunch of changes this year, like if I have to hear those girls reading the ENTIRE Tyra Mail one more time, I'm going to scream! In the end, they decided to kick off the Amazing Claire! I mean, if anyone should go, it should be MAD AWKward girl Lauren, she crazy and cannot walk to save her life! But, I guess I can see why they decided to let Claire go, she's a silly stupid face who fell forward on that water thing when Mr. Jay said, hmm maybe you shouldn't do that crazy! But she did it anyway...way to go!

Next up we have American Idol. Actually, I barely watched this episode. I don't really pay attention to the show to begin with. This is my break period. But sad to see that little asian girl go. She's soo TINY!

Moooovin' on to Top Chef. Richard is a baller chef! Right now it seems like he can do no wrong, but that's probably not going to last very long. Over confidence is a killer in reality TV. The only time it hasn't really gotten someone kicked off is with mister FEROSH himself, Christian from P-Run. But hey, he is a tickity tack hot tranny mess and he is not apologizing for it! Getting back, that mexican guy who pronounces every word with a little too much accent if you ask me (like Ciiii-lan-thro) got the boot. C'mon guy! Either pronounce everything like that or not at all!

Okay, so every week I'm going to suggest a new show to watch that I have recently gotten into. This week: Samantha Who? I think this show is the bees knees. The cats pajamas if you will. It's hilarious and different. It's only a half hour, so it's uber easy to watch. Check it out!!

Anyway my little chicadees, I hope you enjoyed my first post EVER!!! YAY!!!