Thursday, October 23, 2008

Way Overdue, but HI!

In the words of Barney Stintson ...what up!

I know, I know, I haven't written in what seems like a bagillion years...kinda like that Gossip Girl episode during fashion week (aka longest episode ever, even though it was only an hour!)

Anywhoo - here are my thoughts on some of this weeks television, seeing as the week isn't completely over and Thursday is kind of a big deal. I couldn't wait to write though, so deal with it! (sorry for the tude ps).

To start off, words cannot describe how much I L O V E Girls, Guys, and Gossip Girl minus that one mess of an episode. But this week definitely made up for that stinky face fashion week poop. The reason that I absolutely adored this episode was probably because of the 45 seconds of Dan and Sarena bliss. I just don't understand why they can't be together forever?! The whole money issue is just crap! Dan knew all along what she was like and still wanted to date her, so alls I'm saying is GET OVER IT! Ugh. Everything else in the episode was pretty good too. Blair looked pretty, it was semi- cruel intentions, and loves that Nate and Dan are friends (that's a pretty "bromance.") This won't make Chucky poo very pleased. Speaking of Charles Bass, his outfit definitely need some more color, but that's my only criticism.

Onto heroes. It makes me feel funny that all the good guys are raging idiot villains. Dr. Suresh...why?!? He's all gross and sticky and evil and I don't like it!He also looks like he could use a shower and some anger management. And as for Peter - no more powers... he's still pretty hot so he's got that. I wonder if he'll be able to get that shiz back. Lets see if I get a few more answers or a lot more confused this coming season. Because I'm REALLY confused. Speaking of confusion...I wish Lost was on.

Now it's time for a little How I Met your Mother. Man, why am I strangely attracted to Barney?! I never was before this show...maybe it's the suits...I dunno. Anyways, I totally saw that Stella thing coming - she needed to get back to Scrubs and it was a little too fast for ted to up and marry her so soon! My favorite part though - the spin doctors lead singer as the juice bar guy. I kinda wish he did a little 3 princes and all - but whatevs!

Annndd finally - Pushing Daisies. I don't have too many criticisms for this show. It's so quirky and cute. Man I wish I could eat at the pie hole. I'd have apple, peach, some sort of cobbler and maybe I'd even try some meat pie...k I'm back. Today they solved the frescort mystery. I would definitely be into finding a frescort - someone to just hug every day! I love hugs sooo much! K I don't have too many thoughts about the episode except that I wish that Ned and Chuck could touch without her dying - that's all!

As for a new show - I didn't try a new one this week, but I did start Twilight and it's friggin amazing! I mean there are parts of it that annoy me, such as the repeating of the word "Chagrin," as well as Edwards switch from frightening to to gentle in seconds. I understand he's a vampire, but he's soo moody! It's like walking on Eggshells, or hanging with someone who's Bi-polar!

Still, their love is awesome and I can't wait to read the next book! It's an easy effing read so I definitely recommend it to anyone!

K that's all for now.

Loves you, mean it!

And, I'm outie!

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