Friday, April 4, 2008

My First Entry!

Hello friends! It's your very own cable gal pal here ready to talk TELEVISION!

So. There isn't too much new new new television this week, but not to fret, the shows, they will be a returnin'! Oh Gossip Girl, come back to me already!!!

Alright, now that I got that out of my system, I can talk about what I actually saw this week, starting with Wednesday night TV night with my ever so lovely roommate and gays, also known as my favorite night of the week. It's basically a night filled with REALITY.

First off, we have America's Next Top Model. And to answer Tyra's question, yes I do want to be on top. Anyhooo, they started off the episode with Go-Sees! Isn't that supposed to happen in some other country or something? Or are they getting really budget this year and just not taking them anywhere? I mean they are making a bunch of changes this year, like if I have to hear those girls reading the ENTIRE Tyra Mail one more time, I'm going to scream! In the end, they decided to kick off the Amazing Claire! I mean, if anyone should go, it should be MAD AWKward girl Lauren, she crazy and cannot walk to save her life! But, I guess I can see why they decided to let Claire go, she's a silly stupid face who fell forward on that water thing when Mr. Jay said, hmm maybe you shouldn't do that crazy! But she did it anyway...way to go!

Next up we have American Idol. Actually, I barely watched this episode. I don't really pay attention to the show to begin with. This is my break period. But sad to see that little asian girl go. She's soo TINY!

Moooovin' on to Top Chef. Richard is a baller chef! Right now it seems like he can do no wrong, but that's probably not going to last very long. Over confidence is a killer in reality TV. The only time it hasn't really gotten someone kicked off is with mister FEROSH himself, Christian from P-Run. But hey, he is a tickity tack hot tranny mess and he is not apologizing for it! Getting back, that mexican guy who pronounces every word with a little too much accent if you ask me (like Ciiii-lan-thro) got the boot. C'mon guy! Either pronounce everything like that or not at all!

Okay, so every week I'm going to suggest a new show to watch that I have recently gotten into. This week: Samantha Who? I think this show is the bees knees. The cats pajamas if you will. It's hilarious and different. It's only a half hour, so it's uber easy to watch. Check it out!!

Anyway my little chicadees, I hope you enjoyed my first post EVER!!! YAY!!!

1 comment:

Corinne M said...

Welcome to the blogger world!! Best of luck with your adventures and make sure you keep it up!